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True Hairdressing

What is postpartum hair loss?

Did you notice hair loss after pregnancy? Postpartum hair is very common and can cause extra anxiety and stress for new Mums. This month, we look closer at the most commonly asked questions about post-pregnancy hair loss and how to take the best care of your hair while it grows back.

What is Postpartum?

Postpartum is the scientific Latin word to describe “after childbirth”. And while it is often used interchangeably with postnatal, there is a subtle difference between the two. Postpartum refers to the mother’s condition after birth, while postnatal describes the baby. Postpartum hair loss is, therefore, the excess loss of hair after childbirth.

Is it normal to experience hair loss after pregnancy?

Postpartum hair loss is more common than you may think. It’s believed to be due to hormones, oestrogen in particular, which increases during pregnancy. This oestrogen is believed to prevent hair from falling out as it would naturally (as part of the “Telogen” hair shedding phase) and pause the hair renewal cycle. However, after childbirth, the hormones gradually return to normal. All the hairs that have been paused in their resting state then start to fall out. But because it happens all at once, the result can be significant visible hair loss or thinning hair. However, this hair, more often than not, grows back and resettles into a healthy growth cycle. Each case is different.

Other causes of hair loss after pregnancy can include hypothyroidism, alopecia or iron deficiency. If you’re ever concerned about changes to your body after giving birth, always visit a medical professional to get a professional diagnosis and put your mind at ease.

How do you stimulate hair growth?

Hair growth is an excellent excuse for a head massage. Applying gentle pressure to the scalp with the fingers or hands can help stimulate the blood flow across the head and optimise healthy new hair regrowth.

A healthy diet is always a positive step towards a healthy and happy body. Dark leafy greens, berries and protein-rich foods are all reputed for their hair-strengthening properties. Eggs, for example, are believed to help boost collagen production, while blueberries and raspberries are packed with vitamin C, great for protecting against free radicals and helping with iron absorption

What are the best products to use for hair loss?.

Our “Go too” range for healthy scalp and hair is Nioxin. The shampoos create a healthy scalp for growth, and there are also products to thicken the hair shaft itself and lock resting hairs into the follicle for longer. The Nioxin website is a brilliant source of information on hair loss, too. Find out more here and visit the salon to purchase the products.